The Council

ChurchSheepwash Parish Council is a small local authority comprised of seven councillors, who are elected every four years. The Council employs a part-time Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer.  

The Council is subject to the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities and is therefore required to publish all of its documentation on this website.

Sheepwash Council is a representational voice for the community, responding to other authorities and drawing attention to issues affecting people living in the parish. The Council is consulted on planning applications by Torridge District Council, who are the planning authority for the area.

The Council owns and manages numerous assets, large and small, around the parish, including the Village Square, the War Memorial and the Jubilee Field.

Members of the public and press are always invited and made welcome at all Council Meetings which are held bi-monthly. There is an opportunity to speak at the beginning of meetings.   Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes are all published at least three days before each meeting on the noticeboards and the website.
